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Press Release

Zero Emission Shipping Fund proposal submitted to UN to deliver on shipping’s net zero targets

1 February 2024

• The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, 利比里亚共和国向联合国海事组织提交了关于零排放航运基金的详细提案,以加速到2050年实现净零排放的过渡.

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has submitted a detailed, fit-for-purpose proposal to shipping’s global regulator, the UN International Maritime Organization (IMO), for a Zero Emission Shipping Fund (ZESF).

In recognition of the urgency to move forward with workable solutions to meet ambitious net zero targets, 全球船东已同意强制性缴纳船舶温室气体(GHG)排放量,以每年筹集数十亿美元. 其目的是加速全球商业航运船队到2050年实现净零排放的过渡,并支持发展中国家的海上温室气体减排努力.

航运业的最新提案由巴哈马和利比里亚(世界上最大的两个船旗国)共同发起, measured in gross tonnage). 该提案建立在日本政府提出的“收费”概念和欧盟国家在海事组织对统一费率“以征税为基础”的全球缴款制度的支持基础上. Significantly, 更新后的提案为如何使用筹集的数十亿美元增加了透明度和问责制的结构, including those funds to be allocated for use in developing countries.

Guy Platten, ICS Secretary General, explained:

“The transition to net zero shipping must be truly global. Otherwise, it will not succeed. ICS fully supports the net zero goal which IMO has agreed for shipping. 只有政府谈判代表现在撸起袖子,制定建立零排放航运基金所需的法规,2050年的目标才有可能实现. A global GHG pricing mechanism for shipping urgently needs to be agreed on next year, 这将降低零温室气体船用燃料投资的风险,并为发展中国家提供数十亿美元的资金支持.”

“巴哈马和利比里亚政府以及全球航运业提出了一个经过深思熟虑的机制, which is equitable, transparent and simple. The first IMO target for 2030 is less than six years away. If we don’t achieve a take-off point in the production and uptake of zero GHG marine fuels by 2030, it’s hard to see how net zero will be achieved by 2050.”

“The groundwork has been done and the regulatory architecture has been carefully laid out. 所需要的只是各国政府的政治意愿,以便迅速有效地实施这一符合目的的解决方案.”

国际海事组织成员国将在3月份的下一轮温室气体谈判中考虑零排放航运基金和“减排量”机制. 各国政府已经一致承诺到2025年为国际航运制定温室气体定价机制. If governments agree, the ZESF will be approved next year to help achieve net zero GHG emissions from shipping by or close to 2050, in line with the ambitious GHG reduction targets adopted by IMO Member States.

Under the proposal, contributions from ships per tonne of CO2e emitted will be used to reduce the significant cost gap between zero GHG fuels and conventional fuel oil, providing financial rewards (“feebates”) to ships for the GHG emissions prevented by use of these new marine fuels.

这项透明和负责任的提案将包括支持零/近零船用燃料的生产,以及在全球发展中国家的港口推出新的加油基础设施, as well as supporting training in the safe use of new fuels.

Clarksons Research已经为ICS进行了一项详细的影响评估,该评估强调,就交付货物价格而言,每吨燃料油消耗的成本增加20至300美元的贡献率不会对国民经济产生不成比例的负面影响.

The Zero Emission Shipping Fund will allow the hard-to-abate shipping sector, which is completely dependent on fossil fuels and where the current use of zero GHG fuels is virtually zero, to achieve a “take-off” point in its use of more expensive ‘green’ fuels, such as ammonia, hydrogen, sustainable biofuels, synthetic methanol and synthetic LNG.

For the full proposal, please click here..

Zero Emission Shipping Fund

The Zero Emission Shipping Fund (ZESF), using a Fund and Reward (Feebate) mechanism, 在国际海事组织(IMO)关于海洋温室气体排放定价机制的谈判中,目前唯一的提案是什么?该机制详细规定了必要的监管架构,可以保证帮助航运业脱碳所需的数十亿美元资金, including billions of dollars to support developing countries.

根据2023年国际海事组织温室气体战略的要求,ZESF将很容易在全球范围内实施,并且实际上可以由各国政府最终确定,并在2025年初由国际海事组织海洋环境保护委员会(MEPC 83)达成协议, which was agreed by MEPC 80 in July 2023.

ICS has provided IMO with a detailed impact assessment, 证明分摊率会增加每吨燃料油消耗20至300美元的成本,但就交付货物价格而言,不会对国民经济产生不成比例的负面影响.

ICS计算,要达到国际海事组织的目标,即到2030年航运使用的能源中有5-10%来自零或接近零的温室气体来源, 减少与传统燃料油的成本差距和奖励替代燃料的加速采用的成本每年将在50亿至100亿美元之间.

ICS建议,每年创造50亿至100亿美元可能需要船舶向零排放航运基金捐款,相当于每吨燃料油消耗约20至40美元. However, the actual contribution rate will be higher, 这取决于国际海事组织成员国决定通过ZESF为单独的国际海事组织温室气体海洋可持续发展基金(IMSF)筹集的资金数额,以支持发展中国家.

The proposal to establish the Zero Emission Shipping Fund was endorsed last week by the ICS Board of Directors, which comprises representatives of the world’s national shipowners’ associations in Asia, the Americas, Africa and Europe, which collectively represent all sectors and trades and over 80% of world merchant shipping tonnage.

The full proposal from ICS and the Governments of Bahamas and Liberia, which is being considered by the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee, can be seen here.

About ICS 

国际航运协会(ICS)是商船所有人和经营者的主要国际贸易协会, representing all sectors and trades and over 80% of the world’s merchant fleet –